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Concussion Rehabilitation


At Princeton Sports and Family Medicine, we provide comprehensive evaluations for both acute concussions and Post-concussive syndrome.

What is a concussion?

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) caused by a jolt to the head or body that disrupts the function of the brain.

Patients can experience more than one type of concussion. The clinical outcome of a concussion can be greatly improved by being correctly diagnosed and having a treatment plan individually designed for the patient.

Below is a list of the different types of concussions one might sustain, what the symptoms might look like, and the treatment that is typically associated with each:


Symptoms: difficulty with balance; trouble stabilizing vision when moving the head; poor hand-eye coordination

Treatment: Vestibular rehabilitation customized to suit various environments (i.e. work, school, or sport) that the patient may encounter.


Symptoms: Difficulty coordinating eye movements; headache, fatigue, eye strain, and difficulty focusing vision

Treatment: Oculomotor retraining/habituation exercise and physical therapy


Symptoms: Headache and neck pain

Treatment: Mobilization techniques and postural correction exercises; biofeedback to train patients to control their body’s function with their mind and pain neuroscience education.


Symptoms: Excessive anxiety or significant irritability

Treatment: Exertion therapy; a prescribed exercise plan


Symptoms: Decreased ability to concentrate or multitask; difficulty learning new information; poor memory; increased fatigue

Treatment: Academic and workplace accommodations (ie. breaks, workload reduction), strict sleep, diet, hydration, stress management and exercise regulations

Post-traumatic Migraine

Symptoms: Headache, nausea, and sensitivity to light or noise

Treatment: Strict behavioral management, with emphasis on regular sleep; proper hydration, diet, stress management, and some physical activity

What to expect from Physical Therapy

While in Physical Therapy you will undergo comprehensive Neuro-cognitive, Neuro-physical, musculoskeletal, and visual-motor exams. Following your evaluation, a detailed and progressive plan of care will be developed by your physical therapist and referring physician to address your particular impairments. Some of the things our program will address include the symptoms of headache, dizziness, and neck pain. In addition, we help improve balance, aerobic conditioning, strength, and flexibility. Through vestibular rehabilitation, manual therapy, balance retraining, and aerobic exercise, we carefully guide the individual through their recovery and prepare them for return to play.


Princeton Sports and Family Medicine, P.C.
3131 Princeton Pike, Building 4A, Suite 100
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Phone: 267-754-2187
Fax: 609-896-3555

Office Hours

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