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Knee Pain Specialist

Princeton Sports and Family Medicine, P.C.

Sports Medicine & Primary Care Practice located in Lawrenceville, NJ

Knee pain isn’t just a natural side effect of aging. Yes, age can bring on arthritis or remind you of the pain of an old injury, but knee pain shouldn’t be something you just live with. The primary care and sports medicine providers at Princeton Sports and Family Medicine, P.C. have the diagnostic and treatment solutions you need to deal with your knee pain. Call the Lawrenceville, New Jersey, office for an evaluation or schedule an appointment online.

Knee Pain Q & A

What causes knee pain?

Your knee is a complex joint where muscles, bones, and connective tissue meet. Knee pain can signal a problem with any of these structures. Knee pain can result from an acute injury, such as a fall or sports accident, or develop gradually over time due to a degenerative condition.

While there are many causes of knee pain, some of the most common include:

  • Torn meniscus
  • Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
  • Bursitis or tendinitis
  • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries
  • Sprains and strains
  • Dislocation

The team of experts at Princeton Sports and Family Medicine, P.C. evaluate your particular symptoms during a physical exam and thorough diagnostic tests to determine the specific cause of your pain.

When should I seek medical help for knee pain?

Some knee pain resolves on its own with RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. But knee pain that lingers more than a week with no improvement indicates a potentially significant problem that requires medical intervention.

Knee pain that’s accompanied by significant swelling, redness, or warmth around the joint deserves medical attention, too.

You need immediate medical attention for knee pain or injury if:

  • A popping noise occurred when you hurt your knee
  • Your knee looks deformed 
  • You can’t bear weight on the joint
  • You experience intense pain
  • Your knee swells suddenly

Immediate care for these issues improves your chances of a full recovery.

How is knee pain treated?

Princeton Sports and Family Medicine, P.C. works with physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, occupational therapists, athletic trainers, and other health care specialists to help you function better with less pain.

Your treatment plan for knee pain depends on a variety of factors, including the cause of your pain, its severity, and how it impacts you.

Anti-inflammatory medications, steroid injections, and lubricating injections can ease knee pain, and physical therapy helps to restore function. 

If you have a degenerative condition, such as arthritis, you may benefit from other interventions — including a referral for surgery if more conservative approaches are unsuccessful.

Don’t let knee pain keep you from enjoying your life. Call Princeton Sports and Family Medicine, P.C. for an evaluation and customized treatment. Alternatively, schedule an appointment online.